Since the end of my residency I have my life has been a world wind.
January 16 - I arrived back from my residency
January 18 - I was wrongfully accused and found NOT GUILY of shoplifting
January 22 - Named godmother of my brothers child Olivia Grace Cunningham
February 1 - Started The Triumph of American Painting (every Wed - for 12 weeks)
February 9 - Opening for Jules Olitski Meridith Long Gallery
January 16 - I arrived back from my residency
January 18 - I was wrongfully accused and found NOT GUILY of shoplifting
January 22 - Named godmother of my brothers child Olivia Grace Cunningham
February 1 - Started The Triumph of American Painting (every Wed - for 12 weeks)
February 9 - Opening for Jules Olitski Meridith Long Gallery
February 10 - meet with Trenton Doyle Hancock (over Tacos)
February 11 - Patron-Plus Members Event: Film Screening of Jules Olitski: Modern Master
Film Screening of Jules Olitski: Modern Master
Alison de Lima Greene, MFAH curator of Contemporary Art and Special Projects, introduces the short documentary (22 minutes) Jules Olitski: Modern Master. Interviews with Olitski's friends and peers, as well as rarely seen footage of the artist in his studio, eloquently portray the superb achievement of a man driven to make art. Presented in conjunction with the opening of the exhibition Revelation: Major Paintings by Jules Olitski.
February 15- 16 - Flew to San Fran to meet Mark Bradford Met him and will visit studio in a month (Mentoring option next semester)
Saw opening in SFMoma
Saw opening in SFMoma
Crown Point Press
Went to Museum of the African Diaspora
Went to Contemporary Jewish Museum
YBRA (part 2 - Mark Bradford Exhibit)
Went to Museum of the African Diaspora
Went to Contemporary Jewish Museum
YBRA (part 2 - Mark Bradford Exhibit)
Meet with Rodney Ewing (painter/artist)
February 20 - Met with Sandra York (artist)
February 22 - Exhibit in Corpus Cristi with Lisa Qualls
February 23 - MFAH Lecture “Terrible Reality”: The Civil War as a Living-Room War
February 24 - Lecture “Fauvism: The Color Explosion” - David E. Brauer February 27 - Met Otis Huband who shared all sorts of advise February 28 - Met with Anastasia Kirages (writer/curator/photographer)
February 29 - Met with Bayeté Ross Smith
February 30 - Finally chose Bayeté Ross Smith as my mentor this semester
February 29 - Met with Bayeté Ross Smith
February 30 - Finally chose Bayeté Ross Smith as my mentor this semester
After interviewing over 10 artist, I decided that Bayete would be the best fit for me this semester. Yes this is the Bayete from Season 2 - Work of Art (The Next Great Artist)
February 30 - Event with Trenton Doyle Hancock
Since we last spoke I have finally have a theme that I can introduce to my work:
Still working out the details:
Presently excited to be defining my new trajectory
- Effect of being wrongfully accused of shoplifting
- African American Experience
- 3 months later being burglarized for over 200 worth of stolen
items/cloths/damage to house
- Struggle with class issues
- No zoning issues
- Symbolism - Dreams
- Dismantling and Deconstructing iconic symbols
- Labels (symbols defining wealth vs. Freedom struggle)
- Who are these products accessible to?
- freedom?
- Persecution vs. Freedom
- Struggles and strength
- Hard work = certain rewards
- reward system
- Substructure of self worth
- First generation American - Raised under post Barbie generation
- 1950s TV in homes are now ads
- Secret communication
- Light = seeking/enables sight
- popular culture
My NEW Paintings I am working on:
I just finished sowing...Painting layers to come.